MAY 2020

ShikshaLokam, a Shibulal Family Philanthropic Initiative, is a societal platform designed to transform the education leadership by enabling various stakeholders engaged in the K-12 education system through collaboration and co-creation.

In Focus
Towards Building Resilient Education System
Virtual Parent-Teacher Meeting

“We are very fortunate that our teachers are taking such personal care to ensure our children don’t lose out. We have hopes that education will open doors to new opportunities and make our children’s lives better; therefore our lives will also get better. With teachers keeping such a close watch, our children don’t slack off and we feel supported.” - Parent, Punjab

Strong school-community linkage is a sign of a vibrant schooling system. Currently when schools across the country are closed due to Coronavirus pandemic, the Education Department of Punjab took an outstanding initiative to ensure that the parents feel supported and an integral part of the state's efforts in enabling continuous learning for children at home in these difficult times. In a three day campaign that ran from May 25th to May 27th, a virtual Parent-Teacher Meeting was organized across the Secondary Schools in the state. All the teachers during this 3 day period, called more than 5 lakh parents to offer their support and identify the challenges being faced by these parents and their children at home.

Teachers called and collected all this data using a guided questionnaire and now the state plans to use this information to decide on their learning interventions across different districts. At the same time, parents felt strongly supported by the system in this hour of need. The campaign has created a vibe of positivity in the state and the impact is visible through the already increasing enrollment numbers which are approximately 4% higher than the year 2019-20.

What an amazing story of hope that we at ShikshaLokam could be a part of..!

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Micro-improvements in response to COVID

Quality of learning in this phase of discontinuity and disruption calls for a pivot in processes followed by our Teachers, School Leaders, Instructional & Administrative leaders. On Unnati, we have a few easy, quick-to-act-on action-projects designed by our partner organizations - how to conduct virtual enrollment campaigns, how to facilitate weekly teacher meets, how to communicate with parents and much more. Login today to explore.

Know your stakeholders to support them better

The first step towards designing and offering solutions to our stakeholders is to continuously assess and know what their struggles and needs are.

On Samiksha, you can find a simple observation solution to gain visibility into the activities happening on-ground, to capture the challenges along with all the successful individual stories that our stakeholders are engaged in these times. Write to us to know more.

Platform Update
A Step Closer to Improvement

Samiksha now recommends solutions to improve. In the latest release of Samiksha, you now can offer a recommended list of improvement projects for the stakeholders based on the results of the assessments. Happy improving..!

Release Note
Grey Matter
What Are Societal Platforms And How They Can Help With COVID Response?

Distributing the ability to solve and not the solutions. Here is a UNDP Webinar for you to watch and learn the ways the platform can play a crucial role in responding to the current crisis of COVID by reimagining the way our stakeholders can exercise their agency and choice to learn and improve.

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A Call for Collective #LearnFromHome

COVID situation has changed the dynamics on the ground and hence we are busy planning or implementing new ways and new solutions. It has led us to innovate in many ways and yet, there are a few unanswered questions.

At ShikshaLokam, we are shaping a collective for like-minded organizations to come together and share our challenges, our work, and our solutions, with the core idea of co-creation and learning. Please join us in this initiative by filling this form and spreading the word.

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